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The Classics of Literature by Authors N-Z

The Classics of Literature

These books are regarded by literary experts to be among the very best titles in print today. The authors, both past and present, are world renown for their literary talents. Their books are the classics of literature.

You can learn more about the title of your choice by clicking on its link.

by Authors N - Z

Nabokov, Vladimir. Lolita
Nabokov, Vladimir. Speak, Memory : An Autobiography Revisited
Nabokov, Vladimir. Pale Fire
Naipaul, V S. A House for Mr. Biswas
Nesbit, Edith. The Railway Children
Orwell, George. Nineteen Eighty-Four
Orwell, George. Animal Farm
Paine, Thomas. Rights of Man and Common Sense
Pasternak, Boris. Doctor Zhivago
Perrault, Charles. Little Red Riding Hood and Other Stories
Pickthall, Marmaduke. The Meaning of : The Glorious Koran/an Explanatory Translation
Plath, Sylvia. The Bell Jar
Plato. The Republic
Poe, Edgar Allan. The Complete Stories
Poe, Edgar Allan. Poe : Poems and Prose
Pushkin, Alexander. The Captain's Daughter and Other Stories
Rabelais, Francois. Gargantua and Pantagruel
Rilke, Rainer Maria. Poems: Rilke
Rimbaud, Arthur. Rimbaud : Poems
Rossetti, Christina. Rossetti : Poems
Roth, Joseph. The Radetzky March
Rousseau, Jean Jacques. Confessions
Rushdie, Salman. Midnight's Children
Scott, Sir Walter. Rob Roy
Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty
Shakespeare, William. The Sonnets and Narrative Poems
Shakespeare, William. Tragedies Vol. 1
Shakespeare, William. Tragedies, Vol. 2
Shakespeare, William. Histories Vol. 1
Shakespeare, William. Shakespeare : Poems
Shakespeare, William. Histories, Vol. 2
Shakespeare, William. Comedies; Vol. 1
Shakespeare, William. Comedies; Vol. 2
Shakespeare, William. Romances
Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein : Or the Modern Prometheus
Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Shelley : Poems
Shikibu, Murasaki. The Tale of Genji
Smith, Adam. The Wealth of Nations
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander. One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich
Sophocles. The Theban Plays : Oedipus the King/Oedipus at Colonus/Antigone
Stead, Christina. The Man Who Loved Children
Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath
Stendhal. Scarlet and Black
Stendhal. Charterhouse of Parma
Steptoe, Andrew. Mozart
Sterne, Laurence. Tristram Shandy
Stevens, Wallace. Stevens : Poems
Stevenson, Robert Louis. Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde : And Other Stories
Stevenson, Robert Louis. The Master of Ballantrae/Weir of Hermiston
Stevenson, Robert Louis. A Child's Garden of Verses
Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure Island
Stevenson, Robert Louis. Kidnapped
Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Uncle Tom's Cabin
Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's Travels
Tanizaki, Junichiro. The Makoika Sisters
Thackeray, William M.. Vanity Fair : A Novel Without a Hero
Thoreau, Henry David. Walden Or, Life in the Woods
Tocqueville, Alexis de. Democracy In America
Tolstoy, Leo. War and Peace
Tolstoy, Leo. Childhood, Boyhood and Youth
Tolstoy, Leo. Anna Karenina
Tolstoy, Leo. The Cossacks
Trollope, Anthony. Barchester Towers
Trollope, Anthony. Eustace Diamonds
Trollope, Anthony. The Small House at Allington
Trollope, Anthony. Doctor Thorne
Trollope, Anthony. Framley Parsonage
Trollope, Anthony. Can You Forgive Her?
Trollope, Anthony. The Last Chronicle of Barset
Trollope, Joanna. The Warden
Tsu, Laotzu; Lao. Tao Te Ching
Turgenev, Ivan. Fathers and Children
Turgenev, Ivan. First Love and Other Stories
Twain, Mark. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn
Updike, John. Rabbit Angstrom : The Four Novels : Rabbit Run, Rabbit Redux, Rabbit Is Rich, Rabbit at Rest
Vasari, Giorgio. Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects (2 Volume Set)
Virgil. The Aeneid
Voltaire, Francois. Candide and Other Stories
Waugh, Evelyn. Decline and Fall
Waugh, Evelyn. Brideshead Revisited
Waugh, Evelyn. The Sword of Honour Trilogy
Webster, Jean. DaddyLongLegs
Wharton, Edith. The Reef
Wharton, Edith. The House of Mirth
Wharton, Edith. The Custom of the Country
Whitman, Walt. Walt Whitman : Poems
Wilde, Oscar. Plays, Prose Writings and Poems
Wilde, Oscar. The Happy Prince and Other Stories
Wollstonecraft, Mary. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Woolf, Virginia. To the Lighthouse
Wordsworth, William. Wordsworth : Poems
Wyss, Johann David. The Swiss Family Robinson
Zaehner, R. C.. Hindu Scriptures
Zola, Emile. Germinal

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The Classics of Literature by Authors N-Z